Web Management
Web Management, known as CMS (Content Management System) in Portuguese Content Management System, is a management system for websites, portals and intranets that integrates tools necessary to manage content in real time, without the need for code programming, having with the objective of structuring and facilitating the creation, administration, distribution, publication and availability of information. It has several features that make it practical for the team to use. It is possible to change the entire content of a page, create new pages and even create new sites from templates and modules and/or new ones that may be requested from us or developed by your company or third parties. The CMS allows customers to have full autonomy over the content and evolution of their presence on the internet and dispense with the assistance of third parties or specialized companies for routine maintenance. Not even a dedicated employee (webmaster) is needed, as each team member will be able to manage their own content, reducing human resource costs. The skill needed to work with a content management system doesn't go far beyond the knowledge needed for a text editor. The appearance of a website created by the CMS is customizable, through the use of templates that can be easily replaced.